want to talk about an article
I have recently read by Drury and Kaiser (2014). In this article the authors
write about the male role in confronting sexism, which the state “men may have
viewed allies who confronted as more legitimate than women because confronting
sexism seems not to directly benefit men” (643). This quote states that men can
only educate other men because women are not seen as their equals, so women
will not be taken seriously in the presence of men. To me the thought process
of the authors is benevolent sexism where they are trying to make an argument for
the importance of men in confronting sexism, but it really comes out as reinforcing
sexism. This reminds me of Cooper’s thought on the importance of who is in the
center of activism and those working alongside the center.
the first chapter of FAT ACTIVISM, Cooper writes that at the center of
fat activism needs to be those who identify as fat. However, there can be
allies and supporters, but they need to not be in charge and speaking to an
experience they have not had. When I
think of the Drury and Kaiser (2014) article their idea of activism seems to be
ally centered instead of oppressed center, which is problematic in many ways.
first issue I take with ally center is lack of experience that allies have
being that they themselves do not face the same systematic issues as those who
are being oppressed. For example, with fat activism is that people who have not
been discriminated against for their weight don’t really know the impacts that
it has on those who have been discriminated against for weight. In the case of
confronting sexism. If males only confront males and women are not having that
ability. The you learning about an experience second hand, so important
information and authenticity is getting lost. This goes into the second issue
of ally centered activism, which is losing individual voice.
allies are people that have more power than members of the activist group, so people
who are see as having a “normal weight” is seen as having more power than someone
who is fat or labeled obese, people who are heterosexual have more power in
society than someone who is gay, and men have more power than women. By a group
being allied center you lose the voice of those that the group is for and it
allows for outsiders to overlook those that are trying to speak out against the
prejudice and oppression they have faced. This also allows for power structures
and social hierarchies to stay the same, so that the change the activist group seeks
doesn’t happen.

I say education I don’t mean educating, but instead being educated. In the case
of sexism listen to the experience of women in a male driven society to hear
the issues they must go through every day. In another article,
Richmond (2014) writes about education being done through different
mediums, such as, discussion groups and literature. By holding discussion
groups this gives a space for people to talk and ask questions. While literature
allows for another experience and perspective of the activist group.
different educational tools are also ways to show support for a group. By
introducing people to activist work may be in writing, music, art, or presentations
you ultimately getting people engaged in the conversation no matter their
opinion. In activism engagement is all you can ask for because no matter if you
agree or disagree you will walk away with something. Maybe a conversation,
thought, or emotion that will influence you in some way.

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